Sunday 4 May 2008

Former Lost star begins jail term

Former Lost star begins jail term

Former 'Lost' star Michelle Rodriguez has begun her 180-day gaol condition in Los Angeles for violating her probation on swallow driving and hit-and-run offences.
Reuters reports that the actress registered with the Hundred Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, south of Los Angeles, on Sun, under her first gear call Mayte. Michelle is the star's midriff discover.
In October, Los Angeles County Superior Court adjudicate Daviann Mitchell sentenced Rodriguez to clink after the 29-year-old actress admitted failing to complete community service obligations.
Rodriguez was besides plant to have taken alcohol on at least tierce occasions while wearing a monitoring bracelet; this violated her probation prerequisite to refrain from imbibition for 90 days.
She moldiness besides dispatch her 30 days of military service for California's deportation section.
The try specified that Rodriguez non be granted work furlough, early release or family confinement.
Rodriguez's probation violation arose from a 2004 case in which she pleaded no contest to iII traffic offences in Los Angeles, including hit-and-run and drink driving.
She received a 60-day jailhouse sentence for a probation violation in English hawthorn 2006 but was released afterward four hours and 20 minutes due to overcrowding.
Rodriguez was also sentenced to five-spot days in clink in Aloha State in 2006 in another drinking driving type; at the time she chose gaol after refusing the judge's extend of community service.

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